Success Mindset

Kate’s Corner: Mindset Minute-Money Mindset Continued

What is the mindset of a millionaire business owner? With the right mindset you and I can learn to quickly and easily overcome any setback and challenge, thus removing fear, procrastination, and overwhelm. In this way, fear is turned into the fuel for success. The latest brain research teaches that everything achieved in business and […]

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Kate’s Corner: Your Daily Mindset Minute- Let Go Let God

Back in the days when I was in alcoholics anonymous, I was mesmerized by the concept of letting go and letting God. May I remind everyone that alcoholics anonymous has been the proving ground for asking for help. We talk about this asking for help idea all the time in our Affiliate System coaching calls

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Kate’s Corner: Me And My Goliath

For the past two weeks, I’ve been working my way around Dean Holland affiliate system software. Dean teaches online tutorials and my job is to implement what he teaches. The truth is, every new software and editor program is unique with some familiar memory of those that have gone before. Members of Dean Holland’s community

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Kate’s Corner: Success Mindset

My emphasis has been on mindset on this blog, since it’s inception. Now I’ve decided to dedicate this blog to anyone who hopes to improve their mindset for success, regardless of profession or station in life.   Mindset shifts, AHA moments, a sudden connection with the divine are transformations propelling us forward to enhance meaning

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