Kate’s Corner: Your Daily Mindset Minute- Let Go Let God

Back in the days when I was in alcoholics anonymous, I was mesmerized by the concept of letting go and letting God. May I remind everyone that alcoholics anonymous has been the proving ground for asking for help. We talk about this asking for help idea all the time in our Affiliate System coaching calls with Dean Holland.

Today I thought I lost my iPhone and my wallet. Maso, my nine month old pup, has been eyeing up my iPhone for a few weeks, now. I thought maybe he got a hold of it and buried it in the backyard. Once I found it, I felt a little better about thinking he wasn’t the trickster I know him to be.

Then it appeared that I had lost my wallet. I went about looking for it, and not finding it. Rather than being totally frustrated, I went and did some exercise, and suddenly realized there might be one other place to look for it, and there was. And I found it.

My mindset minute today is about letting go when you become frustrated by anything. Don’t let the frustration seep in to ruin your peace of mind. The idea is to let go, and ask God for help. Let’s not forget to ask the powers that be for the help even if it’s stupid or insignificant to others, just ask and you shall receive.

It’s a law of the universe, which is always looking out for each and everyone of us.

Meet Kate And Dean Holland

Here’s Today’s Mindset Minute Podcast.


6 thoughts on “Kate’s Corner: Your Daily Mindset Minute- Let Go Let God”

  1. Just love you, Kate H! 💜 You have always been (and continue to be) pure in thought word and deed. So many blessings to you! 🙏🏼 🌹 👏🏼

  2. Wise to remember to ask for help lesson I have to remind myself. Can easily see Maso popping off with your phone Bear loves grabbing mine. And the tv remote. They are both mouth size. Good technique you used when you thought wallet was missing

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