Kate’s Corner: Business and Spirituality.

As I review the last month of blogging and TikToking and spreading information organically through social media, I am struck by how much I learned from reading other peoples blogs, and by doing research on my own blog.

I was going to take the day off today and attend to other matters concerning my blog, but I could not resist making a video in front of a beautiful nature scene in the park near where I live. This makes the blog a kind of local travel diary, if you will. Last week, I stood in front of Thaddeus Steven’s grave site and said a few words.

My family knows the woman who lives next to the cemetery. Before that, we were close to the person who lived there before. It’s a small town, after all, but not as small as it used to be.

The key to success lies in an ability to purposely enjoy every aspect of life and to explore what the true nature of happiness means to you. As explained over the last month in my blog, a morning routine that encompasses reflection, meditation, movement, and any number of things that make you happy will seamlessly transform your mindset and mood. This means no news, no scrolling through social media sites, because the problem here is that the energy from the world can drag you down even without you knowing it.

In our time with Dean Holland, we are tutored step by step how to be an affiliate marketer. Technology frustrations arise for many of us, and that is to be expected. Overcoming these hurdles makes resolve stronger for the next hurdle.

Asking for help is a topic I explored on this blog, saying that reaching out to others is a spiritual practice. Think of the tenets of Alcoholic Anonymous where if you don’t ask for help, you could very easily die. AA is one of the most widely known and utilized spiritual platform on the planet.

Our work with Dean Holland presupposes the necessity of asking for help when stuck, especially for the technologically impaired. Even if technology is your thing, rushing ahead to get things done could make for hours of work to undo what should have been left undone.

It’s been a wonderful month of learning and growing. I can feel the synapses in my brain evolve into previously unknown stratospheres.

And the beat goes on.

Meet Kate And Dean Holland

14 thoughts on “Kate’s Corner: Business and Spirituality.”

  1. I’ve often heard the concept that the energy from the world can drag you down and while I envy your morning routine, I must stay up to date with current events – so I’m reading a digital copy of our local newspaper with a cup of coffee before I do anything in the morning.

    If you have a technological impairment over my suggestion, I would suggest that you reach out for help – but why don’t you place a link back to your prior blog posts when you mention that you’ve blogged about a particular topic? It might peak a reader’s interest and get your blog more engagement…just a thought.

    I love how you explained the concept of your central hub of spirituality in your vlog. I’m glad you decided to do some blogging and vlogging.
    Robert Klein recently posted…In Spite of OurselvesMy Profile

  2. What you said about rushing ahead is so true. I have committed the same mistake many times in the past. The only difference is rushing ahead didn’t cost me hours, it cost me years.

    So I think it is a good lesson to share especially with beginners so that they can avoid the same mistake.

    1. Kinda reminds me of the Tortoise and the Hare allegory. The Hare may arrive but learned nothing along the way. The Tortoise arrives, too, but with a significant amount of insight and less stress!!

  3. Kate, what a great blog. I love that you’re out in nature, getting inspiration from it and seeing parallels in our own lives. I think you’re absolutely right that the business we’re trying to build and spirituality for me and go-hand-in-hand. I’m Muslim and I have incredible teachings and lessons and inspiration that has made me who am. I believe that God has a plan for me in fact for all of us. He knows what’s best for me as long as I remember him, pray and ask and correct myself it will happen when it’s supposed to happen. Refreshing to hear what you had to say and I agree with you there are days when I don’t turn the news on and I don’t look at what’s going on because it brings you down. I hope you have a great week and I look forward to your next instalment. Thanks, Atif

    1. Thanks for your kind response. I’ve learned so much from a Muslim family I recently sold my home to. I join them in prayers, too. They turned my home into a Moroccan paradise, which required a tremendous amount of work. The property is now an outside gathering with exquisite mideastern food served to people who are treated like royalty. Course after course is served over a period of hours. I hope you get to read this.

      1. Kate, wow that sounds amazing. It’s nice to meet people that are also religious or spiritual and I take a lot of comfort from that. the food sounds amazing. I love Moroccan architecture and the way they decorate their houses. It’s very nice. Also the food is pretty good. I did get the chance to go to Morocco in 2014 and it was really nice. Very nice kind caring people. Thanks for sharing. Talk to you soon. Take care, thanks, Atif

  4. Yes it’s important to be careful regarding your energy. I felt it yesterday as I got lost in mindless time watching reels on Facebook. I saw to much nasty stuff happening all over the world that afterward I was so tired and felt deflated. Best to focus on what empowers us and get’s us closer to our goals!

  5. Kate, you are absolutely a breath of fresh air! I absolutely love how you are bringing your quiet time, your mindset work, and all-around just self-improvement into the very foundation of your new business! I think so many times many try to keep their spirituality separate from their day-to-day (seems so counterproductive, right?). There’s something quite powerful here with your work and I cannot WAIT to see where it takes you!

  6. Hi Kate, I enjoyed reading through your post and watching the video.
    I haven’t started on any social media platforms yet, I think you are doing so great already being out there sharing your value.
    Thanks for some great reminders and inspiration.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.
    PS, the end of your post…and the beat goes on, I love that 😊

  7. Hi Kate,
    I may need to go back and read your ‘asking for help’ post as I am not the best, though am getting better. I find that it’s mostly the technology that gets in the way, (putting all the pieces together in sequential order)

    What I have been doing recently, is putting the work down (before I get frustrated and stressed)

    Now I stop & come back to it another day. Yes, it does slow me down but I find that when I have the energy things work out.

    I appreciate your out-in-nature video and the spirit/business balance. I have been slow to create a business as it has been difficult in the past……

  8. Kate,
    I absolutely love that you emphasized having a morning routine filled with reflection, meditation, movement, and whatever brings joy to seamlessly boost your mindset and mood. Totally agree – starting the day on our terms is crucial. Personally, I’m all about waking up early, grabbing a quick cup of coffee, and hitting the gym first thing. It gets my heart pumping and those creative juices flowing, setting me up to conquer anything in my day. Oh, and I’ve made a pact to steer clear of social media until after my gym session.

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