Dear Boomer: Do You Have Older Siblings?

As I continue to build my You Tube channel with Boomer challenges and the mindset needed to reframe these concerns, I remembered my brother did a few You Tube videos reading poems he wrote, and telling stories to an audience who loved him. Most were his students. He was Artist In Resident at a theatre in Norfolk, Virginia called the Venue.

Then CV19 hit us all with a vengeance. First it shut down his theatre. That created a grief reaction, for sure. I remember calling him to tell of my husband’s death. My brother just had another friend die. He said, “I wonder if I’m next.”

Naturally, many were next, but five months to the day of my husband Tomaso’s death, Delaney died, too.

The shut down was another story. I continued to work as a nurse, and the entire healthcare system was in chaos. Thankfully, at the time, I worked at a small clinic that served the Amish. The virus did not spare them. It swept through their community, and news outlets said herd immunity was responsible for the virus rising rapidly and falling just as quickly. Many disagreed with that assessment, however.

The shut down allowed me to often visit my tenants, who lived at the farmhouse where Tomaso and I lived for 28 years. They are cooks extraordinaire, and kept me well nourished, which was what I needed since I lost my appetite, completely.

Meet Kate And Dean Holland

Here is my brother reading his poem about turning 77-or is it 78?




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