Identity is shaped by our experiences, and how we think about those experiences. If we have negative or positive perceptions, these will color our reality in any new endeavor we take on moving forward. Identifying with the failures or traumas of the past will carry these memories into anything we undertake in the present moment.
That’s why I love the exercise of reframing my thoughts, if they are focused on negativity regarding the past because they become barriers to my future growth and happiness. Therefore, the focus of my emotions is my choice. I choose to embrace expansion in mind-body and spirit.
We wrap up another year in our Facebook “A Course In Miracles” group.The effects of the study evolves to where I no longer have knee-jerk negative reactions to people, places or things. Or if I do, I immediately recognize it and change it. Unconditional love and forgiveness is the hallmark take away of “A Course In Miracles.”
Our businesses are now becoming a part of our identity. It’s like a square of marble upon which we sculpted our hopes and dreams. What we create is within our ability to love and forgive ourselves and everyone else.
This mindset is the key to future business success.
Meet Dean and Kate
What a empowering and constructive choice to reframe old painful memories. I
Have some painful childhood ones that could use some work. Great way to start 2024 Thanks, Kate
Thanks, Sam. Reframing is a great tool for our spiritual tool boxes!!