
Kate’s Corner: Dear Boomer-Spring Time In Central Pennsylvania

Springtime is one of my favorite seasons here in Pennsylvania. Often it passes too quickly because work interferes with going outdoors to thoroughly enjoy it. This could be said for every season but spring particularly is short-lived. People often complain that spring turns too quickly to summer. Every day is a new lifetime and opportunity […]

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Kate’s Corner: Dear Boomer- Naps, Solar Eclipse, Cannabis And Meditation

A solar eclipse can have levels of impact on humans, animals, and other creatures on the planet. In time immemorial, Solar eclipses often evoke a sense of awe and wonder in humans. Some cultures view eclipses with superstition or religious significance. People may gather in large numbers to observe the eclipse, leading to temporary changes

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Dear Boomer: Do You Have Older Siblings?

As I continue to build my You Tube channel with Boomer challenges and the mindset needed to reframe these concerns, I remembered my brother did a few You Tube videos reading poems he wrote, and telling stories to an audience who loved him. Most were his students. He was Artist In Resident at a theatre

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Kate’ Corner: Dear Boomers: Do You Fear Losing Your Memory?

I have decided to use YouTube as a main traffic source for my business, and also as a means to build up my YouTube channel. I have been thinking deeply about my niche group, and they are seniors. The idea is to unlock the false beliefs surrounding aging, money, and fear of death. These topics

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